目前分類:西班牙語 (87)
- Jun 24 Fri 2011 19:58
「西語詞彙」4 Casa, Mobiliario, Objetos de casa - House, Furniture, and Household Objects
- Jun 24 Fri 2011 19:52
「西語詞彙」3 Características Humanas 2 - Human Characteristics 2
- Jun 24 Fri 2011 19:43
「西語詞彙」2 Características Humanas 1 - Human Characteristics 1
- Jun 24 Fri 2011 19:35
「西語詞彙」1 Animales - Animals
- May 13 Fri 2011 16:48
「西語單字」30. New words2
1.similar similar
2.basico basic
3.espectacular spectacular
4.deportivo sports
5.electronico electronic
6.laboral labor
7.creativo creative
8.global global
9.masivo mass(ive)
10.latinoamericano Latin American
11.inmerso engrossed
12.genetico genetic
13.estatal state
14.publicitario advertising
15.comunitario community
16.espacial space
17.sovietico Soviet
18.sofisticado sophisticated
19.institucional institutional
20.irreversible irreversible
21.carente lacking
22.estructural structural
23.rentable profitable
24.ambiental environmental
25.nuclear nuclear
26.apasionante thrilling
27.conflictivo conflicting
28.obsesivo obsessive
29.operativo operative
30.ecologico ecological
- May 13 Fri 2011 16:37
「西語單字」29. New words1
1.television television
2.sector sector
3.dolar dollar
4.foto photo
5.impacto impact
6.lider leader
7.futbol soccer
8.aeropuerto airport
9.enfrentamiento confrontation
10.televisor television set
11.exilio exile
12.motivacion motivation
13.sugerencia suggestion
14.enfoque focus
15.emisor transmitter
16.computadora computer
17.encuesta survey
18.grabacion recording
19.autopista freeway, motorway
20.microfono microphone
21.ganador winner
22.cabina cockpit
23.pionero pioneer
24.discriminacion discrimination
25.interferencia interference
26.vivencia (life) experience
27.campeonato championship
28.culminacion culmination
29.gol goal (sports)
30.maquillaje makeup
- May 13 Fri 2011 16:07
「西語單字」28. Adverbs – differences across registers
1.igualar to equate
- May 13 Fri 2011 15:55
「西語單字」27. Verbs – differences across registers
1.Ser to be
2.estar to be
3.tener to have
4.decir to tell, say
5.ir to go
6.ver to see
7.saber to know (a fact)
8.querer to want, love
9.creer to believe
10.hablar to talk
11.venir to come
12.mirar to look at
13.trabajar to work
14.entender to understand
15.oír to hear
16.tocar to touch
17.estudiar to study
18.gustar to be pleasing to
19.valer to be worth
20.fijar to fix, set
21.dedicar to dedicate
22.comprar to buy
23.interesar to interest
24.imaginar to imagine
25.ensenar to teach
- May 13 Fri 2011 15:43
「西語單字」26. Subjunctive triggers
Verbs: [desire/emotional reaction]
1.querer want
2.esperar hope
3.gustar to be pleasing
4.temer fear
5.importar matter
6.preferir prefer
7.desear desire
- May 13 Fri 2011 15:28
「西語單字」25. Preterit/imperfect Top 50 words
Highly preterit
1.fracasar to fail
2.contratar to contract
3.enriquecer to enrich
4.extinguir to extinguish
5.mudar to move
6.concretar to materialize, fulfill
7.redactar to edit
8.reiterar to reiterate
9.disenar to design
10.asesinar to murder
11.emigrar to emigrate
12.embarcar to load
13.adherir to attach
14.entrar to enter
15.conquistar to conquer
16.derrotar to defeat
17.heredar to inherit
18.bautizar to baptize
19.fundar to found
20.decidir to decide
21.consolidar to consolidate
22.modificar to modify
23.perfeccionar to perfect
24.reanudar to resume
25.reponer to replace
- May 12 Thu 2011 21:59
「西語單字」24. Use of the “reflexive marker” se 反身動詞
All se
(explanation: number of cases with se)
[Top 15 verbs]
1.fotografiar to have a picture taken
2.aliar to become allied with
3.obstinar to persist in
4.empecinar to become stubborn
5.exceptuar to be excluded
6.sobreponer to prevail
7.fugar to flee
8.avenir to agree to
9.santiguar to cross oneself
10.legalizar to be legalized
11.jactar to brag
12.eslabonar to be linked together
13.turnar to take turns
14.columpiar to seesaw
15.preciar to be appraised
- May 12 Thu 2011 21:52
「西語單字」23. Verbs of communication Top words
1.decir to tell, say
2.hablar to speak, talk
3.contar to tell, count
4.explicar to explain
5.proponer to propose
6.expresar to express
7.anunciar to announce, advertise
8.comentar to comment on
9.discutir to argue, discuss
10.mencionar to mention, cite
11.pronunciar to pronounce
12.afirmar to declare, assent
13.aclarar to clarify, clear up
14.declarar to declare, testify
15.nombrar to name, appoint
16.reclamar to demand, require
17.gritar to shout
18.criticar to criticize, gossip
19.protestar to protest, object
20.conversar to converse
21.rezar to pray
22.rogar to pray, ask, implore
23.recitar to recite
24.charlar to chat, talk
25.alegar to allege
26.articular to articulate
27.invocar to invoke
28.dialogar to confer, talk
29.murmurar to murmur
30.exclamar to exclaim
31.clamar to cry, clamor
32.susurrar to whisper
33.suplicar to plead, beg
34.chillar to shriek, scream
35.orar to pray
36.grunir to grunt, grumble
37.aullar to howl, yell
38.enunciar to enunciate
39.mascullar to mutter, grumble
40.implorar to implore, beg
41.platicar to chat, converse
42.cuchichear to whisper, mutter
43.vociferar to proclaim, blare
- May 12 Thu 2011 21:35
「西語單字」22. Verbs of movement (go from A to B) Top 40 words
1.ir to go
2.(pasar) to pass
3.salir to go out
4.entrar to enter
5.caer to fall
6.correr to run
7.mover to move, incite
8.subir to go up, on
9.andar to walk
10.bajar to come down
11.avanzar to advance
12.viajar to travel
13.conducir to lead, drive
14.manejar to drive, handle
15.caminar to walk
16.saltar to jump, leap
17.marchar to go, walk, march
18.trasladar to move, transfer
19.volar to fly
20.apartar to move away, separate
21.huir to flee, run away (from)
22.descender to descend
23.desplazar to move, shift, replace
24.circular to circulate, go around, flow
25.pasear to go for a walk
26.tropezar to trip, stumble
27.nadar to swim
28.acelerar to accelerate, speed (up)
29.rodar to roll, run, scatter
30.navegar to navigate, sail
31.explorar to explore
32.deslizar to slide, glide, slip
33.trepar to climb
34.transitar to roam, go by
35.irrumpir to burst in, raid
36.vagar to wander (about)
37.resbalar to slip, slide
38.rondar to hover, patrol
39.deambular to roam, wander
40.brincar to leap
41.revolotear to flutter, hover
- May 12 Thu 2011 21:15
「西語單字」21. Adjectives – differences across registers
1.ese that
2.mucho many, much
3.mi my
4.bueno good
5.importante important
6.claro clear
7.bastante rather, quite a bit
8.social social
9.difícil difficult
10.tu your (sg/+fam)
11.economico economic
12.supuesto por s.: of course
13.profesional professional
14.normal normal
15.cuanto how much?
16.interesante interesting
17.determinado determined
18.feliz happy
19.fundamental fundamental
20.tranquilo calm
21.tremendo tremendous
22.logico logical
23.autentico authentic
24.americano American
25.cultural cultural
- May 12 Thu 2011 20:11
「西語單字」20. Adjectives of emotion (sentir + ADJ) top 65 words
1.feliz happy
2.orgulloso proud
3.satisfecho satisfied
4.atraido attracted
5.capaz capable
6.contento contented
7.comodo comfortable
8.cierto sure
9.halagado flattered
10.libre free
11.vivo alive
12.honrado honored
13.tranquilo calm
14.superior better
15.seguro safe
16.popular popular
17.emocionado excited
18.animado excited
- May 12 Thu 2011 19:58
「西語單字」19. Adjectives with Ser/estar
All with ser
1.unico unique
2.importante important
3.posible possible
4.general general
5.anterior previous
6.capaz capable
7.comun common
8.contrario contrary
9.real real
10.enorme enormous
11.nacional national
12.conocido (well) known
13.suficiente sufficient
14.absoluto absolute
15.rápido fast
16.popular popular
17.famoso famous
18.preciso necessary
19.amplio wide
- May 12 Thu 2011 19:49
「西語單字」18. Nationalities and place adjectives
Regions or cities
1.castellano Castilian
2.latino Latino
3.latinoamericano Latin American
4.andaluz Andalusian
5.madrileno from Madrid
6.sevillano from Sevilla
7.hispanoamericano Latin American
- May 12 Thu 2011 19:39
「西語單字」17. Colors (color) top 50 words,Opposites: frequent pairs
1.blanco white
2.negro black
3.rojo red
4.verde green
5.azul blue
6.amarillo yellow
7.gris gray
8.(dorado) golden, gold-plated
9.rubio blonde
10.(celeste) sky-blue, heavenly
11.rosado pink
12.marron brown
13.violeta violet
14.plateado silver
15.morado purple
16.castano brown (hair)
17.anaranjado orange
- May 11 Wed 2011 14:53
「西語單字」16. Nouns – differences across registers
1.cosa F thing
2.persona F person
3.tipo M type
4.gente F people
5.ejemplo M example
6.problema M problem
7.verdad F truth
8.señor M sir
9.gracia F (pl) thank you
10.tema M theme
11.acuerdo M agreement
12.estudio M study
13.cuestion F question
14.manana F morning
15.partido M party
16.programa M program
17.nivel M level
18.pregunta F question
19.millon M million
20.pena F valer la p.: have worth
21.curso M course
22.comunicacion F communication
23.sitio M place, space
24.desarrollo M development
25.companero M companion
- May 11 Wed 2011 14:45
「西語單字」15. Diminutives (“small–”) and superlatives (“very–”)
1.senorita F Miss
2.casita F house
3.muchachito M boy
4.hijito M son
5.pobrecito M unfortunate person
6.pajarito M bird
7.animalito M animal
8.hermanito M brother
9.mesita F table
10.cosita F thing
11.viejito M old person
12.perrito M dog
13.carrito M car, cart
14.mujercita F woman
15.abuelita F grandmother
16.senorito M Mr.
17.cajita F box
18.angelito MF angel
19.hombrecito M man