目前分類:羅馬尼亞語 (45)

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1.vârstă  age

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1.a pierde  to lose

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1.a fi  to be

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1.o scară  a ladder

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1.aprilie  April

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1.alaltaieri  day before yesterday

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1.alergare jogging

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1.obosit tired

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1.bolnav sick

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1.La revedere  Good-bye

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1.eu I

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1.un actor an actor

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1.o floare a flower

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1.păr hair

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1.o motocicletă a motorcycle

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1.o femeie a woman

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1.unu one

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1.un râu 
a river

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1.a munci to work

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1.a cădea to fall

2.a călători to travel

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