1.obosit tired
2.bolnav sick
3.a plânge to cry
4.trist sad
5.a fi fierbinte to be hot
6.a-I fi foame to be hungry
7.a-I fi frig to be cold
8.a-I fi frică to be afraid
9.a-I fi sete to be thirsty
10.a-I fi somn to be sleepy
11.foame hunger
12.slăbit weak
13.puternic strong
14.sete thirst
15.frică fear
16.durere pain
17.rușine shame
18.mândru proud
19.treaz awake
20.a fi nervos (pe cineva) to be angry (with somebody)
21.o stare a mood
22.panică panic
23.supărat upset
24.plictisit bored
25.dezamăgit disappointed
26.emoționat excited
27.interesat interested
28.ingrijorat worried
29.nervos angry