目前分類:西班牙語 (87)

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1.edad  age 

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1.perder  to lose 

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1.estar  to be 

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1.siguiente  next 

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1.más exactamente  rather 

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1.otro  other 

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1.trabajar  to work 

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1.abril  April  

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1....menos cuarto  quarter to ...  

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1.cansado  tired 

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1.Adiós  Good-bye 

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1.enfermo  sick 

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1.una ropa  an article of clothing 

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1.estilo  stylish 

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1.política  politics 

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1.yo  I 

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1.un actor  an actor 

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1.una flor  a flower 

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1.pelo  hair 

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1.uno  one 

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