目前分類:西班牙語 (87)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要



1.relación F

2.situación F

3.condición F

4.cuestión F

5.acción F

6.atención F

7.ocasión F

8.posición F

9.función F

10.decisión F

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M/F cook

2.fotografo M/F photographer

3.consejero M/F advisor, counselor

4.piloto M/F pilot, driver

5.portero M/F porter, doorkeeper

6.comisario M/F commissioner, delegate

7.senador M/F senator

8.gobernante C ruler, leader

9.asesor M/F adviser, consultant

10.novelista C novelist

11.bailarin M/F dancer

12.inspector M/F inspector

13.economista C economist

14.servidumbre F servitude, staff of servants

15.psicologo M/F psychologist

16.actriz F actress

17.fiscal C district attorney, prosecutor

18.editor M/F editor, publisher

19.cirujano M/F surgeon

20.interprete C performer, interpreter

21.diplomatico M/F diplomat

22.sargento M/F sergeant

23.jinete M/F rider, horseman

24.agricultor M/F farmer

25.guerrero M/F warrior, soldier

26.marinero M/F sailor


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M/F writer

2.medico M/F doctor

3.profesor M/F professor, teacher

4.jefe M/F boss, manager

5.doctor M/F doctor

6.director M/F director, manager

7.artista C artist

8.maestro M teacher (m)

9.escritor M/F writer

10.policia C police officer

11.estudiante C student

12.dueno M owner, landlord (m)

13.empleado M/F employee

14.politico M/F politician

15.secretario M/F secretary

16.juez M/F judge

17.poeta C poet

18.periodista C journalist

19.ministro M/F minister, secretary

20.soldado M/F soldier

21.abogado M/F lawyer

22.militar M/F soldier, military person

23.actor M actor

24.trabajador M/F worker, laborer

25.ingeniero M/F engineer

26.oficial C official

27.agente C agent

28.guardia C guard

29.especialista C specialist

30.sacerdote M priest

31.cura M priest

32.pintor M/F painter

33.obrero M/F laborer

34.vendedor M/F salesperson

35.capitan C captain

36.comerciante C merchant

37.musico M/F musician

38.corredor M/F broker

39.filosofo M/F philosopher

40.cientifico M/F scientist

41.amo M master, boss (m)

42.arquitecto M/F architect

43.ayudante C helper, assistant

44.investigador M/F researcher

45.tecnico M/F technician

46.conductor M/F driver, conductor

47.enfermero M/F nurse

48.cantante C singer

49.historiador M/F historian

50.cazador M/F hunter

51.pastor M/F shepherd

52.administrador M/F administrator, manager

53.monja F nun 

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1.calor M heat

2.frio M cold

3.viento M wind

4.lluvia F rain

5.temperature F temperature

6.clima M climate

7.nube F cloud

8.atmosfera F atmosphere

9.(rayo) M lightning

10.nieve F snow

11.fresco M cool

12.humedad F humidity

13.tormenta F storm

14.terremoto M earthquake

15.niebla F fog

16.inundacion F flood

17.temporal M storm, gale

18.torrente M torrent, flood

19.brisa F breeze

20.tempestad F (thunder) storm

21.precipitacion F precipitation

22.trueno M thunder

23.relampago M lightning

24.neblina F fog

25.huracan M hurricane

26.rocio M dew

27.llovizna F drizzle, sprinkle 

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General terms:

1.tierra F earth, land, ground

2.campo M field, country

3.(naturaleza) F nature, character

4.ambiente M environment, atmosphere

5.terreno M earth, ground, terrain

6.paisaje M landscape

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General terms:

1.juego M play, game, sport

2.(partido) M game

3.equipo M equipment, team, outfit

4.partida F game, match, contest

5.salto M jump

6.tiro M throw, shot

7.(pista) F track, clue, trace

8.pelota F ball

9.caza F hunting, game

10.bola F ball, sphere

11.estadio M stadium

12.entrenamiento M training

13.portero M goalkeeper

14.cancha F playing field, court

15.jugada F move, play

16.campeonato M championship

17.gol M goal

18.balon M ball

19.raqueta F racket

20.patin M skate

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General terms:

1.vez F time (specific occurrence)

2.tiempo M time (general)

3.momento M moment

4.fecha F date, day

5.rato M while, moment

6.horario M schedule, timetable

7.fase M phase, stage

8.calendario M calendar

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M paper, role, part

2.piedra F stone, rock

3.oro M gold

4.madera F wood

5.plata F silver

6.hierro M iron

7.tela F cloth, fabric

8.(cristal) M crystal, window

9.metal M metal

10.vidrio M glass

11.barro M clay

12.plastico M plastic

13.ladrillo M brick

14.lana F wool

15.acero M steel

16.cemento M cement

17.seda F silk

18.plomo M lead

19.carton M cardboard

20.bronce M bronze

21.petroleo M oil

22.paja F straw, hay

23.cobre M copper

24.algodon M cotton

25.goma F rubber

26.carbon M coal

27.perla F pearl

28.marmol M marble

29.alambre M wire

30.cera F wax

31.encaje M lace

32.diamante M diamond

33.porcelana F porcelain

34.aluminio M aluminum

35.ceramica F ceramic

36.arcilla F clay

37.granito M granite

38.marfil M ivory

39.adobe M adobe

40.yeso M plaster


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M son (plural=children)

2.padre M father

3.madre F mother

4.hermano M brother (plural=siblings)

5.hija F daughter

6.esposa F wife

7.marido M husband

8.hermana F sister

9.abuelo M grandfather (plural=grandparents)

10.tio M uncle

11.primo M cousin

12.tia F aunt

13.papa M dad

14.mama F mom

15.pariente MF relative

16.abuela F grandmother

17.viuda F widow

18.nieto M grandchild

19.esposo M husband, spouse

20.novia F girlfriend, bride

21.novio M boyfriend, groom

22.prima F female cousin

23.sobrino M nephew

24.padrino M godparent

25.sobrina F niece

26.cunado M brother in law

27.hermanito M little brother

28.nieta F granddaughter

29.bisabuela F great grandmother

30.suegra F mother in law

31.suegro M father in law

32.yerno M son in law

33.cunada F sister in law

34.viudo M widower

35.nuera F daughter in law


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General terms:

1.calle F street

2.camino M road, route, path

3.carretera F highway, road

4.avenida F freeway, motorway

5.autopista F freeway, motorway

6.callejon M alley

7.puerto M port, harbor

8.vuelo M flight

9.(trafico) M traffic, trade

10.paseo M walk, ride

11.transito M traffic, transit

12.aeropuerto M airport

13.chofer M driver

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General terms:

1.prenda F piece of clothing

2.(talla) F size (of clothing), stature 

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General terms:

1.alimento M food, nourishment

2.alimentacion F feeding, food

3.plato M plate, dish

4.bebida F drink, beverage

5.cena F dinner

6.almuerzo M lunch

7.desayuno M breakfast

8.ingrediente M ingredient

9.banquete M banquet, feast

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1.mano f

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M horse

2.perro M dog

3.gato M cat

4.pajaro M bird

5.ave M bird

6.vaca F cow

7.toro M bull

8.ganado M livestock

9.pez M fish

10.leon M lion

11.mosca F fly

12.gallina F hen

13.cerdo M pig

14.pollo M chicken

15.mono M monkey

16.rata F rat

17.insecto M insect

18.oveja F sheep

19.paloma F dove

20.raton M mouse

21.gallo M rooster

22.mariposa F butterfly

23.lobo M wolf

24.serpiente F snake

25.conejo M rabbit

26.hormiga F ant

27.oso M bear

28.gusano M worm

29.tigre M tiger

30.burro M donkey

31.arana F spider

32.abeja F bee

33.buey M ox

34.pato M duck

35.cabra F goat

36.elefante M elephant

37.aguila M eagle

38.mosquito M mosquito

39.sapo M toad

40.pajarito M little bird

41.rana F frog

42.tortuga F turtle

43.zorro M fox

44.vibora F viper

45.murcielago M bat

46.grillo M cricket

47.cisne M swan

48.ballena F whale

49.cuervo M raven

50.gaviota F seagull


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ubicar to put in place

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saber to know

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razonar to reason

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padecer to suffer

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machacar to crush

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idealizar to idealize

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