1.prenda F piece of clothing
2.(talla) F size (of clothing), stature 3.traje M suit
4.zapato M shoe
5.vestido M dress
6.camisa F shirt
7.pantalon M pants
8.bota F boot
9.boton M button
10.sombrero M hat
11.abrigo M overcoat
12.falda F skirt
13.corbata F tie
14.manga F sleeve
15.guante M glove
16.panuelo M handkerchief, shawl
17.manto M cloak
18.cinturon M belt
19.chaqueta F jacket
20.camiseta F T-shirt
21.blusa F blouse
22.zapatilla F sneakers
23.chaleco M vest
24.sosten M bra
25.gorro M cap
26.delantal M apron
General terms:
Specific pieces/parts of clothing: