saber to know
sacar to take out
sacudir to shake
salir to leave, go out
salivar to salivate
salpicar to splash
saltar to jump
saludar to say hello / greet
salvar to save
sangrar to bleed
satisfacer to satisfy/quench
secar to dry
seducir to seduce
seguir to follow
seleccionar to select
sembrar to sow
señalar to mark
sentar to sit/seat
sentir to feel
separar to separate
ser to be
serpentear to meander, snake, wind
serrar to saw
serruchar to saw
servir to serve
sesgar to slant, bias
significar to mean
situar to place
sobornar to bribe
sobrar to be too much
sobreexponer to overexpose
sobreponer to superimpose
sobresaltar to startle, make jump
sobrescribir to overwrite
sobrevolar to overfly, fly over
sofocar to smother, put out
soler to usually do something
solicitar to request, apply
soltar to letgoof
solucionar to solve
sonar to sound
sonreir to smile
sonrer to smile
soplar to blow
soportar to stand
sorprender to surprise
sostener to support
subir to go / come up
subrayar to underline
suceder to happen
sufrir to suffer
sugerir to suggest
sujetar to hold
sumar to add
superar to overcome, get over
superponer to superimpose
supervisar to supervise
suplicar to plead
suponer to suppose
suprimir to leave something out
surgir to arise
suscribir to subscribe
suspender to fail
sustituir to substitute
susurrar to whisper
tablear to pleat
tachar to cross out
taladrar to drill
tallar to carve, sculpt
tapar to cover
tararear to go la la la
tardar to take time
tejer to crochet, weave, knit, braid
temblar to tremble
temer to fear / be afraid of
tender to tend, hang out (washing)
tener to have
teñir to dye
terminar to finish / end
tirar to throw, waste
tocar to touch/play an instrument
tolerar to tolerate
tomar to take
torcer to twist
torear to fight a bull
toser to cough
tostar to toast
trabajar to work
trabar to hold shut, hobble
traducir to translate
traer to bring
tragar to swallow
tramitar to process
tranquilizar to calm somebody down
transbordar to change trains
transcribir to transcribe
transcurrir to pass time
transferir to transfer
transformar to transform
transmitir to transmit / broadcast
transportar to carry
trascribir to trascribe
trasladar to move
trastear to rummage through
trasvasar to decant
tratar to treat / try
trepar to climb
tripular to crew / man
triunfar to succeed / win
tronar to thunder
tropezar to stumble, trip, come up against
trucar to fix, rig, tamper with
tumbar to lie down
tunelar to tunnel
turbar to disturb, worry, alarm
turbinar to harness