
General terms:

1.vez F time (specific occurrence)

2.tiempo M time (general)

3.momento M moment

4.fecha F date, day

5.rato M while, moment

6.horario M schedule, timetable

7.fase M phase, stage

8.calendario M calendar

Relative time:

9.pasado M past

10.presente M present

11.futuro M future

Units of time (small to large)

12.segundo M second

13.minuto M minute

14.hora F hour

15.día M day

16.semana F week

17.mes M month

18.temporada F season

19.año M year

20.decada F decade

21.generacion F generation

22.etapa F stage, period

23.siglo M century

24.epoca F age, period

Parts of the day (morning to night)

25.alba M dawn

26.madrugada F dawn, daybreak

27.manana F morning, tomorrow

28.mediodia M noon, midday

29.tarde F afternoon, evening;

30.crepusculo M dusk, twilight

31.atardecer M evening, dusk

32.noche F night

33.medianoche F midnight

34.vispera F eve

Days of week (in order)

35.lunes M Monday

36.martes M Tuesday

37.miércoles M Wednesday

38.jueves M Thursday

39.viernes M Friday

40.sábado M Saturday

41.domingo M Sunday

Months (in order)

42.enero M January

43.febrero M February

44.marzo M March

45.abril M April

46.mayo M May

47.junio M June

48.julio M July

49.agosto M August

50.septiembre M September

51.octubre M October

52.noviembre M

53.diciembre M December


54.primavera F spring

55.verano M summer

56.otoño M autumn

57.invierno M winter



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