1.alaltaieri day before yesterday
2.anul nou New Year
3.azi today
4.ce ora e? What time is it?
5.ce zi e? What day is it?
6.chiar acum right away acum intr-o ora one hour from now cand? Since when? obicei usually
10.devreme early
11.epoca medie Middle Ages
12.este amiaza It is noon.
13.fara un sfert quarter to ...
14.ieri yesterday acelasi timp at the same time zilele noastre nowadays
17.jumatate de ora half an hour acel moment at that time timp on time
20.maine tomorrow
21.miezul noptii midnight
22.o clepsidra a hourglass
23.o dimineata a morning
24.o dupa-amiaza an afternoon
25.o luna a month
26.o noapte a night
27.o ora an hour
28.o saptamana a week
29.o sarbatoare a holiday
30.o seara an evening
31.o secunda a second
32.o zi a day
33.poimaine day after tomorrow
34.pranz noon
35.recent recently un sfert quarter past ...
37.tarziu late
38.trecutul the past
39.trecutul apropiat the recent past
40.trecutul indepartat the distant past
41.un an a year
42.un anotimp a season
43.un cadran solar a sundial
44.un calendar a calendar
45.un cronometru a stopwatch
46.un minut a minute
47.un orar a schedule
48.un secol a millenium
49.un secol a century
50.un weekend the weekend
51.viitorul the future
52.viitorul apropiat the close future
53.viitorul indepartat the distant future