

1.television television

2.sector sector

3.dolar dollar

4.foto photo

5.impacto impact

6.lider leader soccer

8.aeropuerto airport

9.enfrentamiento confrontation

10.televisor television set

11.exilio exile

12.motivacion motivation

13.sugerencia suggestion

14.enfoque focus

15.emisor transmitter

16.computadora computer

17.encuesta survey

18.grabacion recording

19.autopista freeway, motorway

20.microfono microphone

21.ganador winner

22.cabina cockpit

23.pionero pioneer

24.discriminacion discrimination

25.interferencia interference

26.vivencia (life) experience

27.campeonato championship

28.culminacion culmination

29.gol goal (sports)

30.maquillaje makeup


31.liberar to liberate 

32.desplazar  to move, shift

33.centrar to center, focus

34.detectar to detect

35.presionar to pressure

36.frenar to brake

37.conectar to connect

38.emerger to emerge

39.programar to program, plan

40.culminar to culminate

41.intercambiar to exchange

42.incrementar to increase

43.entrevistar to interview

44.configurar to configure

45.intuir to sense

46.expandir to expand

47.alertar to alert, warn

48.joder to f**k

49.financiar to finance

50.entrenar to train

51.impartir to impart

52.percatar to be beware

53.irrumpir to burst in

54.antojar to crave, take a fancy to

55.aflorar to crop out

56.postular to postulate

57.involucrar to involve

58.interferir to interfere

59.desproveer to deprive

60.gestar to breed



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