

1.Ser to be

2.estar to be

3.tener to have

4.decir to tell, say to go

6.ver to see

7.saber to know (a fact)

8.querer to want, love

9.creer to believe

10.hablar to talk

11.venir to come

12.mirar to look at

13.trabajar to work

14.entender to understand

15.oír to hear

16.tocar to touch

17.estudiar to study

18.gustar to be pleasing to

19.valer to be worth

20.fijar to fix, set

21.dedicar to dedicate

22.comprar to buy

23.interesar to interest

24.imaginar to imagine

25.ensenar to teach


26.sonreir to smile 

27.oler  to smell

28.acostar to put/go to bed

29.clavar to nail

30.temblar to shake

31.calmar to calm

32.disimular to pretend

33.odiar to hate

34.morder to bite

35.amanecer to dawn

36.aguardar to await

37.deslizar to slide

38.estirar to stretch

39.besar to kiss

40.consolar to console

41.interrogar to interrogate

42.revolver to stir, mix

43.mojar to dampen

44.coser to sew

45.almorzar to have lunch

46.tranquilizar to calm down

47.meditar to meditate

48.reprochar to reproach

49.alumbrar to illuminate

50.reventar to burst


51.reemplazar to replace

52.regir to rule

53.culminar to culminate

54.subrayar to highlight

55.asentar to settle

56.oscilar to oscillate

57.sobrepasar to excel

58.clasificar  to sort 

to be equivalent

60.fomentar to promote

61.contrastar to contrast with

62.albergar to harbor

63.propiciar to foster

64.desencadenar to unleash

65.ilustrar to illustrate

66.incrementar to increase

67.dotar to endow

68.perdurar to endure 

to weaken



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