
Highly preterit

1.fracasar to fail

2.contratar to contract

3.enriquecer to enrich

4.extinguir to extinguish

5.mudar to move

6.concretar to materialize, fulfill

7.redactar to edit

8.reiterar to reiterate

9.disenar to design

10.asesinar to murder

11.emigrar to emigrate

12.embarcar to load

13.adherir to attach

14.entrar to enter

15.conquistar to conquer

16.derrotar to defeat

17.heredar to inherit

18.bautizar to baptize

19.fundar to found

20.decidir to decide

21.consolidar to consolidate

22.modificar to modify

23.perfeccionar to perfect

24.reanudar to resume

25.reponer to replace

Highly imperfect

26.soler to be accustomed to 

27.depender to depend

28.constar to comprise

29.desconocer to not know

30.vigilar to watch over

31.garantizar to guarantee

32.charlar to chat

33.equivaler to be equivalent

34.adorar to worship

35.latir to beat (heart)

36.flotar to float

37.fluir to flow

38.filtrar to filter

39.reposar to rest

40.ostentar to show off

41.reinar to reign 

to sweat

43.contrastar to contrast with

44.complacer to satisfy

45.presidir to preside over

46.albergar to harbor

47.haber to have (+Ved)

48.lucir to shine

49.adornar to adorn

50.poseer to possess

Approximately half preterit,
half imperfect to go

52.creer to believe

53.hablar to speak

54.llevar to carry

55.seguir to follow

56.llamar to (be) name(d)

57.venir to come

58.conocer to know (someone or place)

59.sentir to feel

60.mirar to look at

61.contar to tell, count

62.buscar to look for

63.entender to understand

64.recordar to remind

65.permitir to allow

66.servir to serve

67.mantener to maintain

68.resultar to turn out

69.leer to read

70.formar to form

71.traer to bring

72.suponer to suppose

73.tocar to touch, play

74.correr to run

75.utilizar to use

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