
All se

(explanation: number of cases with se)

[Top 15 verbs]

1.fotografiar to have a picture taken

2.aliar to become allied with

3.obstinar to persist in

4.empecinar to become stubborn

5.exceptuar to be excluded

6.sobreponer to prevail

7.fugar to flee

8.avenir to agree to

9.santiguar to cross oneself

10.legalizar to be legalized

11.jactar to brag

12.eslabonar to be linked together

13.turnar to take turns

14.columpiar to seesaw

15.preciar to be appraised

High percentage with se

(explanation % se Spanish WORD # English)

[Top 25 verbs]

16.apoderar to take power

17.quejar to complain

18.refugiar to take refuge

19.percatar to become aware

20.arrepentir to regret

21.extinguir to extinguish

22.adentrar to get inside

23.atrever to dare

24.enterar to find out

25.esforzar to exert oneself

26.empenar to struggle for

27.basar to base on

28.resignar to resign

29.desenvolver to prosper

30.referir to refer (to)

31.deslizar to slip

32.interponer to get in the way

33.internar to penetrate

34.burlar to mock

35.acostar to go to bed

36.derrumbar to knock down

37.aproximar to come near

38.equivocar to be wrong

39.inscribir to register

40.colar to slip in

No se

41.existir to exist

42.surgir to arise

43.consistir to consist of

44.durar to last

45.permanecer to remain

46.transcurrir to take place

47.constar to comprise

48.colaborar to collaborate

49.provenir to come from

50.protestar to protest

51.estallar to explode

52.residir to reside

53.derrotar to defeat

54.sobrar to be left over

55.brotar to sprout



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