
to tell, say

2.hablar to speak, talk

3.contar to tell, count

4.explicar to explain

5.proponer to propose

6.expresar to express

7.anunciar to announce, advertise

8.comentar to comment on

9.discutir to argue, discuss

10.mencionar to mention, cite

11.pronunciar to pronounce

12.afirmar to declare, assent

13.aclarar to clarify, clear up

14.declarar to declare, testify

15.nombrar to name, appoint

16.reclamar to demand, require

17.gritar to shout

18.criticar to criticize, gossip

19.protestar to protest, object

20.conversar to converse

21.rezar to pray

22.rogar to pray, ask, implore

23.recitar to recite

24.charlar to chat, talk

25.alegar to allege

26.articular to articulate

27.invocar to invoke

28.dialogar to confer, talk

29.murmurar to murmur

30.exclamar to exclaim

31.clamar to cry, clamor

32.susurrar to whisper

33.suplicar to plead, beg

34.chillar to shriek, scream

35.orar to pray

36.grunir to grunt, grumble

37.aullar to howl, yell

38.enunciar to enunciate

39.mascullar to mutter, grumble

40.implorar to implore, beg

41.platicar to chat, converse

42.cuchichear to whisper, mutter

43.vociferar to proclaim, blare


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