1.annus a year
2.calendarium a calendar
3.cotidie usually
4.cras tomorrow
5.dies a day
6.effluxus the past
7.feria a holiday
8.hebdomas a week
9.heri yesterday
10.hodie nowadays
11.hodie today
12.hora an hour
13.horarius on time
14.longe the distant future
15.longe the distant past
16.mane a morning
17.maturus early
18.mensis a month
19.meridies noon
20.milliare a millenium
21.minuta a minute
22.novus annus New Year
23.nox a night
24.nuper recently
25.relicum the future
26.saeculum a century
27.schedula a schedule
28.secunda a second
29.semihora half an hour
30.sero late
31.simul at the same time
32.solarium a sundial
33.statim right away
34.tempestas a season
35.thunc at that time
36.vesper an evening