1.calidus hot
2.frigidus cold
3.charta paper
4.novus brand-new
5.clusus closed
6.apertus open
7.vacuum vacuum
8.foramen a hole
9.algere to cool down
10.frigidus agere to get cold
11.tingere to wet
12.umidus agere to get wet
13.materia material
14.textus fabric
15.liquor liquid
16.metallum metal
17.saxum a stone
18.aridus dry
19.later a brick
20.ferrum iron
21.aeruginare to rust
22.tabula plank
23.liquescere to melt
24.conrumpere to rot
25.lubricus slippery
26.angustus narrow
27.oleum oil
28.asper rough
29.rigidus hard
30.gravis heavy
31.levis smooth
32.mollis soft
33.acutus pointed
34.obtusus blunt
35.acutus sharp
36.lignum wood
37.argilla clay
38.corium leather
39.lana wool
40.cutis surface
41.crustallum ice
42.vapor steam