1.stylus a pen
2.schola a subject
3.luminare a projector
4.falsus wrong
5.ephebia primary school
6.scholasticus related to school
7.laboratorium a laboratory
8.garrire to chatter
9.tentamentum an experiment
10.divisio division
11.additio addition
12.subductio subtraction
13.multiplicatio multiplication
14.summa sum
15.pingere to draw
16.delere to erase
17.formula a system
18.peccum a mistake
19.calx chalk
20.geographia geography
21.mathematica mathematics
22.physicum physics
23.biologia biology
24.historia history
25.litera literature
26.grammatica grammar
27.geometria geometry
28.capitulum a chapter
29.triangulum triangle
30.circulus circle
31.angulus angle
32.quadrum square
33.thema a theme
34.astrologia astronomy
35.psychologia psychology
36.sociologia sociology
37.oeconomia economics
38.oecologia ecology