1.piscis a fish
2.feles a cat
3.canis a dog
4.mus a mouse
5.cochlia a snail
6.ala a wing
7.anas a duck
8.pecus cattle
9.catulus a puppy
10.vitulus a calf
11.anser a goose
12.proboscis a snout
13.virga a stripe
14.clavatus striped
15.tigris a tiger
16.mammale a mammal
17.reptile a reptile
18.balare to bleat
19.latrare to bark
20.maumare to miaow
21.mugio to moo
22.serpens a snake
23.testudo a tortoise
24.rana a frog
25.papilio a butterfly
26.carnivorum animal a carnivore
27.femina a female
28.virilis a male
29.ferox wild
30.domesticus domestic
31.delicium a pet
32.canicula a shark
33.camelopardalis a giraffe
34.zebra a zebra
35.crocodillus a crocodile
36.camelus a camel
37.elephantus an elephant
38.delphin a dolphin
39.cuniculus a rabbit
40.equus a horse
41.bestiola an insect
42.musca a fly
43.araneus a spider
44.cycnus a swan
45.gallina a hen
46.vermis a worm
47.apis a bee