目前分類:葡萄牙語 (105)

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1.um automóvel  an automobile  

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1.asqueroso  nasty 

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1.belo  handsome  

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1.um peixe  a fish 

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Mainly Portugal:

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1.geneticamente genetically

2.marcadamente markedly

3.postumamente posthumously

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1.televisão television

2.futebol soccer

3.avião airplane

4.investimento investment

5.equipa team

6.desemprego unemployment

7.liderança leadership

8.campeonato championship

9.relacionamento relationship

10.financiamento financing

11.aeroporto airport

12.estágio stage, internship

13.motorista driver

14.planejamento planning, scheduling

15.programação programming

16.controlo control

17.privatização privatization

18.telecomunicações telecommunications

19.treinador coach, trainer

20.autarquia self-governing body

21.investidor investor

22.regionalização regionalization

23.proteína protein

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1.muito very, much

2.assim thus, so, in this way

3.então then, so

4.aqui here

5.lá there, over there

6.aí there

7.sim yes

8.realmente really, truly

9.completamente completely

10.exactamente exactly

11.inclusive including, even

12.naturalmente naturally

13.cá here

14.justamente actually, just

15.absolutamente absolutely

16.antigamente used to, anciently

17.infelizmente sadly, unfortunately

18.porquê for what reason, why

19.evidentemente evidently

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1.afirmar to affirm

2.garantir to guarantee

3.prever to foresee

4.anunciar to announce

5.acusar to acuse

6.informar to inform

7.confirmar to confirm

8.votar to vote

9.ultrapassar to surpass, pass (driving)

10.cobrar to collect (money), charge

11.criticar to criticize

12.negociar to negociate

13.esclarecer to clear up, clarify

14.adiantar to put or move forward

15.encerrar to close, end

16.disputar to compete, dispute

17.reforçar to reinforce

18.aprovar to approve, pass a law

19.optar to opt

20.apurar to find out, investigate, perfect

21.divulgar to make known, publicize

22.superar to surpass, overcome

23.concorrer to compete, run against, apply for

24.registrar to register, record

25.antecipar to anticipate

26.convocar to summon, call a meeting

27.investigar to investigate

28.solicitar to solicit

29.autorizar to authorize

30.beneficiar to benefit

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importante important

2.provável probable

3.melhor better

4.fundamental fundamental

5.justo just, fair

6.impossível impossible

7.comum common

8.normal normal, norm

9.preferível preferable

10.estranho strange, uncommon

11.interessante interesting

12.urgente urgent

13.essencial essential

14.compreensível understandable

15.conveniente convenient

16.improvável unlikely

17.indiferente indifferent

18.curioso curious

19.desejável desirable

20.forçoso necessary

21.inevitável inevitable, unavoidable

22.lógico logical

23.obrigatório obligatory, compulsory

24.raro rare

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Mix of preterit/imperfect:
(At least 60% / 40% mix) Explanation: % preterit, verb, dictionary number, definition

1.ser to be (norm)

2.vir to come

3.falar to speak, talk

4.encontrar to find, meet

5.chamar to call

6.pensar to think

7.conhecer to know, be familiar with

8.viver to live

9.continuar to continue

10.sentir to feel

11.achar to find, think, suppose

12.procurar to look for, seek

13.trazer to bring

14.servir to serve

15.olhar to look at

16.representar to represent

17.correr to run

18.acompanhar to keep company, go with

19.compreender to understand 

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Highly preterite:

(At least 95% preterite

(rather than imperfect); number is rank order number from dictionary)

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1.refugiar to take refuge

2.debruçar to bend over, consider

3.suicidar to commit suicide

4.sentar to sit down

5.assemelhar to be similar to

6.distanciar to distance

7.esforçar to strive, exert oneself

8.revoltar to become infuriated, revolt

9.queixar to complain

10.demitir to resign, quit

11.dedicar to be dedicated to

12.atrever to dare

13.aperceber to realize, perceive

14.candidatar to become a candidate

15.banhar to take a bath

16.aproximar to come near, move closer

17.despedir to say goodbye

18.deslocar to move (place)

19.arrepender to repent, feel bad about

20.sujeitar to become subjected to

21.habituar to become accustomed to

22.inclinar to incline, lean towards

23.encostar to rest, lean against

24.encarregar to become entrusted with

25.furtar to steal

26.mover to move

27.livrar to become free

28.desculpar to apologize for

29.situar to be situated

30.associar to be associated with

31.acercar to come closer

32.exilar to become exiled

33.eximir to be exempt from

34.esvair to disappear, faint

35.vangloriar to boast of

36.apoderar to take control of

37.evadir to escape from

38.recostar to lean back

39.postar to position oneself

40.apossar to take possession of

41.agachar to bend down

42.estatelar to fall flat on

43.abster to abstain from

44.deliciar to be delighted with

45.aventurar to dare to do something

46.despenhar to fall to the ground

47.esgueirar to slip away

48.impacientar to lose patience

49.esquivar to dodge something

50.infiltrar to permeate, to infiltrate

51.aninhar to nestle


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to say, tell

2.falar to speak, talk

3.chamar to call

4.contar to tell, count

5.explicar to explain

6.responder to answer

7.afirmar to affirm

8.discutir to discuss, dispute

9.propor to propose

10.admitir to admit

11.indicar to indicate

12.anunciar to announce

13.perguntar to ask (a question)

14.citar to cite, quote

15.acusar to accuse

16.declarar to declare

17.conversar to converse, talk

18.prometer to promise

19.comentar to comment

20.comunicar to communicate

21.descrever to describe

22.criticar to criticize

23.reclamar to complain

24.esclarecer to clear up, clarify

25.denunciar to denounce

26.disputar to compete, dispute

27.divulgar to make known

28.pronunciar to pronounce

29.recomendar to recommend

30.pregar to preach (also, to nail)

31.confessar to confess

32.relatar to tell, relate

33.alegar to allege

34.aconselhar to counsel

35.gritar to yell, shout

36.debater to debate, discuss

37.queixar to complain

38.protestar to protest

39.argumentar to argue

40.articular to articulate

41.expressar to express

42.questionar to question

43.agradecer to thank

44.proclamar to proclaim

45.mencionar to mention

46.rezar to pray

47.ditar to dictate

48.advertir to warn

49.alertar to alert, warn

50.elogiar to praise

51.invocar to invoke

52.exagerar to exaggerate


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company (ADJ)

2.estatal state (ADJ)

3.urgente urgent

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1.esse that

2.outro other

3.muito very, much, many

4.todo all, every

5.mesmo same

6.grande big, grand, great

7.algum some

8.aquele that

9.meu my, mine

10.nosso our

11.bom good

12.certo certain, right, sure

13.quanto how much

14.nenhum none, not a single one

15.diferente different

16.importante important

17.social social

18.claro clear, light

19.brasileiro Brazilian

20.baixo low, short

21.preciso necessary, precise

22.difícil difficult

23.contrário contrary

24.cima above, top

25.fácil easy

26.interessante interesting

27.sério serious

28.pronto ready

29.determinado determined, certain

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1.feliz happy

2.bom good

3.contente happy

4.melhor better

5.satisfeito satisfied

6.apaixonado in love

7.livre free

8.emocionado excited

9.quieto calm

10.seguro sure, self-assured

11.sério serious

12.encantado very happy

13.grato grateful

14.obrigado thankful

15.orgulhoso proud

16.alegre happy

17.impressionado impressed

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Mainly with ser

1. importante important

2. comum common

3. justo just, fair

4. simples simple

5. inútil useless

6. impossível impossible

7.constante constant

8.inferior less, inferior

9. semelhante similar

10.interessante interesting

11. igual equal

12. longo long

13. superior above, superior

14.pequenino very small

15. qualquer whichever

16. pequeno small

17. fácil easy

18. curto short

19. terrível terrible

20. insuficiente insufficient

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cities, regions, and countries:

1.português Portuguese

2.brasileiro Brazilian

3.paulista From São Paulo

4.mineiro From Minas Gerais

5.carioca From Rio de Janeiro

6.baiano From Bah2ía

7.gaúcho From Rio Grande do Sul

8.galego Galician

9.angolano Angolan

10.pernambucano From Pernambuco

11.nordestino From Northeastern Brazil

12.lusitano Lusitanian

13.lisboeta From Lisbon

14.paulistano From São Paulo

15.fluminense From Rio De Janeiro

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1.mais more, much. menos less, fewer

2.muito very, much. pouco small, a little

3.mesmo same, diferente different

4.grande big, pequeno small

5.primeiro first, último last

6.novo new, velho old

7.bem well, mal badly

8.sempre always, nunca never

9.bom good, mau bad

10.maior larger, menor smaller

11.direito right, esquerdo left

12.público public, particular private

13.alto tall, high. baixo short, low

14.possível possible, impossível impossible

15.claro light, escuro dark

16.frente front, atrás behind

17.branco white, negro black

18.sim yes, não no

19.tarde late, cedo early

20.forte strong, fraco weak

21.jovem young, velho old

22.aberto open, fechado closed

23.interior inside, exterior outside

24.simples simple, complexo complex

25.perto close, longe far

26.verdadeiro true, falso false

27.vivo alive, morto dead

28.rico rich, pobre poor

29.fácil easy, difícil difficult

30.acima above, abaixo below

31.moderno modern, antigo old

32.cheio full, vazio empty

33.máximo maximum, mínimo minimum

34.frio cold, quente hot

35.caro expensive, barato inexpensive


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