
1.refugiar to take refuge

2.debruçar to bend over, consider

3.suicidar to commit suicide

4.sentar to sit down

5.assemelhar to be similar to

6.distanciar to distance

7.esforçar to strive, exert oneself

8.revoltar to become infuriated, revolt

9.queixar to complain

10.demitir to resign, quit

11.dedicar to be dedicated to

12.atrever to dare

13.aperceber to realize, perceive

14.candidatar to become a candidate

15.banhar to take a bath

16.aproximar to come near, move closer

17.despedir to say goodbye

18.deslocar to move (place)

19.arrepender to repent, feel bad about

20.sujeitar to become subjected to

21.habituar to become accustomed to

22.inclinar to incline, lean towards

23.encostar to rest, lean against

24.encarregar to become entrusted with

25.furtar to steal

26.mover to move

27.livrar to become free

28.desculpar to apologize for

29.situar to be situated

30.associar to be associated with

31.acercar to come closer

32.exilar to become exiled

33.eximir to be exempt from

34.esvair to disappear, faint

35.vangloriar to boast of

36.apoderar to take control of

37.evadir to escape from

38.recostar to lean back

39.postar to position oneself

40.apossar to take possession of

41.agachar to bend down

42.estatelar to fall flat on

43.abster to abstain from

44.deliciar to be delighted with

45.aventurar to dare to do something

46.despenhar to fall to the ground

47.esgueirar to slip away

48.impacientar to lose patience

49.esquivar to dodge something

50.infiltrar to permeate, to infiltrate

51.aninhar to nestle



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