2.marcadamente markedly
3.postumamente posthumously
1.geneticamente genetically
Mainly Brazil:
1.inclusive including,even
2.embaixo under,beneath, underneath
3.retornar to return to
4.registrar to register,record
5.descartar to disagree,deny, get rid of
6.planejar to plan
7.ressaltar to emphasize,point out
8.brigar to fight, argue
9.liberar to release,liberate
Adjectives (and noun/adjective)
10.federal federal
11.paulista from the cityof São Paulo
12.estadual relating to the state
13.carioca From Rio deJaneiro
14.baiano from the state of Bahia
15.gaúcho South American cowboy, resident of Rio Grande do Sul
16.liberado free, available
17.pernambucano from Pernambuco
18.esportivo sporting, sport
19.aposentado retired
20.nordestino northeastern, northeasterner
21.sertanejo from rural Brazil
22.edital public notice, relating to editing
23.controle control
24.convênio agreement, accord
25.senador senator
26.demanda demand
27.registro record
28.planejamento planning
29.prefeito mayor
30.bilhão billion
31.esporte sport
32.prefeitura municipal government
33.briga fight, quarrel
34.chance chance
35.usuário user, consumer
36.emenda amendment
37.leilão auction
38.diretoria directors(organization)
39.caminhão freight truck
40.treinamento training
41.item item
42.safra harvest
43.previdência precaution, welfare
44.pesquisador researcher, investigator
45.reeleição re-election
46.parágrafo paragraph
47.favela slum, ghetto
48.estoque stock
49.gol soccer goal
50.delegacia police station, office
51.arrecadação collection, saving
52.licitação bidding,auction
53.devedor debtor
54.trilha trail
55.aposentadoria retirement, retirement fund
56.mídia media
57.acervo large collection
58.usina factory, plant
59.aluguel rent
60.indenização reparation
61.varejo retail (trade)
62.sumário brief, abstract, synopsis, summary
63.reajuste adjustment (income)
64.bandeirante bandeirante (early Brazilian frontiersmen)
65.bonde streetcar
66.aprendizado the act of learning
67.liberação disbursement, absolving
68.alinhamento alignment, line up
69.câncer cancer
70.rodada round, rotation
71.papai daddy
72.experimento experiment
- May 06 Fri 2011 14:40
「葡語單字」30. Differences between Brazilian and European Portuguese