1.amittere to lose
2.condonare to give back
3.respondere to answer
4.adiungere to attach
5.commutare to change
6.scire to know
7.advocare to invite
8.sinere to let
9.posse to be able
10.velle to want
11.velle to wish
12.evenire to take place
13.lavare to wash
14.adsicco to dry
15.rumpere to break
16.solvere to release
17.abscindere to tear
18.delere to wipe
19.amittere to drop
20.summovere to remove
21.significare to signify
22.flectere to bend
23.vexare to annoy
24.interpretari to explain
25.adspirare to blow
26.parere to obey
27.inobedire to disobey
28.sequi to follow
29.complere to fill
30.inanire to empty
31.commemorare to remember ...
32.vincere to succeed
33.explicare to unfold
34.servare to protect
35.verberare to beat
36.pugnare to fight
37.quatere to shake
38.garrire to chatter
39.remittere to relax
40.dividere to separate
41.exuscitare to wake up
42.votare to forbid
43.amovere to steal
44.capsere to capture
45.facere to create
46.putare to believe
47.turbare to disturb
48.curare to worry about
49.eripere to rescue
50.promittere to promise
51.iterare to repeat
52.inpellere to persuade
53.jocari to joke
54.solere to get used to
55.queri to complain
56.convenire to meet
57.cadere to sink
58.mentiri to deceive
59.errare to make a mistake