1.esse to be
2.petere to look for
3.audire to listen to
4.residere to reside
5.loqui to speak
6.lacrimare to cry
7.spectare to watch
8.invenio to find
9.habeo to have
10.absumere to spend
11.donare to give
12.facere to do
13.facere to make
14.tenere to keep
15.gestare to wear
16.ferre to carry
17.debere to have to
18.narrare to describe
19.rogare to ask
20.dormire to sleep
21.scribere to write
22.mittere to send
23.claudere to close
24.fumare to smoke
25.accipio to take
26.prehendere to occupy
27.reficere to repair
28.operire to cover
29.comprimere to fold
30.olfacere to smell
31.temptare to try
32.obdormire to fall asleep
33.accipio to receive
34.ardere to burn
35.sedere to sit
36.ornare to dress
37.ponere to put
38.fundere to pour
39.circumire to surround
40.icere to hit
41.sternere to spread
42.videre to see
43.fodere to dig
44.verrere to sweep
45.adpertinere to belong
46.optare to choose
47.disaparere to disappear
48.mittere to throw
49.tendere to stretch
50.offerre to offer
51.celare to hide
52.uti to use
53.respondere to reply
54.legere to read
55.oblivisci to forget
56.linquere to leave
57.animadvertere to notice
58.incohare to begin
59.fieri to become
60.ferre to bring
61.scire to understand
62.sperare to hope
63.reri to think
64.malle to prefer
65.opperiri to wait
66.requirere to need
67.dependere to depend
68.audire to hear