1.caer to fall
2.viajar to travel to go
4.viajar to take a trip
5.permanecer to stay
6.doblar to turn
7.un viaje a trip
8.a la derecha to the right
9.a la izquierda to the left
10.lejos far
11.directo straight ahead
12.subir to go up
13.trepar to mount
14.bajar to go down
15.salir to come out
16.moverse to move
17.empujar to push
18.tirar to pull
19.deslizarse to slide
20.atravesar to cross
21.inmóvil motionless
22.levantar to lift
23.por dónde? which way?
24.alcanzar to reach
25.ahí abajo down there
26.llegar to arrive
27.entrar to enter
28.regresar to return
29.volver to come back
30.venir to come
31.parar to stop
32.conducir to drive
33.velocidad speed
34.lento slow
35.lentamente slowly
36.rápido rapid
37.veloz fast
38.rápidamente rapidly
39.con rapidez quickly
40.una vuelta a turn
41.volcar to overturn
42.tropezar to stumble
43.brincar to bounce
44.apurar to hurry