1.essere to be
2.cercare to look for
3.ascoltare to listen to
4.abitare to reside
5.parlare to speak
6.piangere to cry
7.guardare to watch
8.trovare to find
9.avere to have
10.passare to spend
11.dare to give
12.fare to do
13.fare to make
14.tenere to keep
15.portare to wear
16.portare to carry
17.avere to have to
18.divertirsi to have fun
19.descrivere to describe
20.chiedere to ask
21.dormire to sleep
22.scrivere to write
23.inviare to send
24.chiudere to close
25.fumare to smoke
26.prendere to take
27.occupare to occupy
28.riparare to repair
29.coprire to cover
30.piegare to fold
31.odorare to smell
32.provare to try
33.addormentarsi to fall asleep
34.ricevere to receive
35.bruciare to burn
36.sedersi to sit
37.vestire to dress
38.mettere to put
39.versare to pour
40.circondare to surround
41.colpire to hit
42.divaricare to spread
43.vedere to see
44.scavare to dig
45.spazzare to sweep
46.appartenere to belong
47.scegliere to choose
48.sparire to disappear
49.lanciare to throw
50.stendere to stretch
51.offrire to offer
52.nascondere to hide
53.usare to use
54.rispondere to reply
55.leggere to read
56.dimenticare to forget
57.partire to leave
58.rimarcare to notice
59.iniziare to begin
60.diventare to become
61.portare to bring
62.capire to understand
63.sperare to hope
64.pensare to think
65.preferire to prefer
66.aspettare to wait
67.necessitare to need
68.dipendere to depend
69.sentire to hear