1.tempo weather
2.Che tempo fa? What is the weather like?
3.E` freddo It`s cold.
4.E` caldo It`s hot (warm).
5.E` fresco It`s cool.
6.E` sereno It`s nice out.
7.C`è brutto tempo The weather is bad.
8.C`è il sole It`s sunny out.
9.C`è vento It`s windy.
10.Piove It`s raining.
11.Nevica It`s snowing.
12.Inizia a fare freddo It`s starting to get cold.
13.nevica to snow
14.piove to rain
15.neve snow
16.pioggia rain
17.prendere freddo to get cold
18.bagnare to wet
19.bagnarsi to get wet
20.nuvoloso cloudy
21.variabile changing
22.nebbia fog