1.familiar M relating to the family, family member (also familiar ADJ)
2.casamento M marriage, wedding
3.casal M married couple
4.lar M home
5.adopção F adoption
6.divórcio M divorce
7.parentesco M kinship
8.filho M son, children (PL)
9.pai M father, parents (PL)
10.mãe F mother
11.filha F daughter
12.irmão M brother
13.marido M husband
14.irmã F sister
15.neto M grandson, grandchildren (PL)
16.parente MF relative, extended family member
17.esposa F wife
18.primo M cousin (M)
19.tio M uncle
20.avô M grandfather
21.sobrinho M nephew
22.viúva F widow
23.avó F grandmother
24.cunhado MF
25.brother-in-law (cunhada = sister-in-law)
26.tia F aunt
27.noiva F fiancee, bride
28.genro M son-in-law
29.noivo M fiancé, bridegroom
30.padrinho M godfather
31.sobrinha F niece
32.nora F daughter-in-law
33.papai M daddy
34.sogro M father-in-law
35.prima F cousin (F)
36.neta F granddaughter
37.cônjuge MF spouse
38.sogra F mother-in-law
39.mamãe F mom [BP]
40.viúvo M widower
41.papá M dad
42.esposo M husband
General terms:
Members of a family:
- Apr 30 Sat 2011 14:50
「葡語單字」6. Family