1.rua F street
2.caminho M path, way
3.viagem F trip, journey, voyage
4.estrada F road, highway
5.destino M destination
6.porto M port
7.rumo M way, path, course of action
8.passageiro M passenger
9.voo M flight
10.mapa M map
11.avenida F avenue
12.pista F runway, lane, field, rink
13.passeio M walk, stroll
14.trânsito M traffic
15.piloto M pilot
16.aeroporto M airport
17.motorista M driver
18.rota F route
19.expedição F expedition
20.trajectória F trajectory, path
21.ida F departure, outbound trip
22.túnel M tunnel
23.navegação F navigation
24.embarcação F vessel, ship
25.tráfego M traffic
26.cruzamento M crossing, intersection
27.viajante C traveler
28.trilha F path, trail
29.aviação F aviation
30.rodoviário highway (ADJ)
31.carro M car, cart, buggy
32.metro M subway (also meter)
33.automóvel M car, automobile
34.navio M (large) ship
35.barco M (small) ship
36.avião M airplane
37.veículo M vehicle
38.trem M train (BP)
39.caminhão M freight truck
40.nave F spaceship, vessel
41.foguete M rocket, fast train (also fireworks)
42.bicicleta F bicycle
43.ônibus M bus [BP]
44.táxi M taxi
45.canoa F canoe
46.submarino M submarine (also under-water)
47.helicóptero M helicopter
48.bonde M tram [BP]
General terms:
Types of transportation:
- Apr 29 Fri 2011 15:48
「葡語單字」5. Transportation