abanderar to register
abandonar to abandon, leave
abanicar to fan (oneself)
abaratar to cheapen, cut, reduce
abarcar to cover, cope with
abarrotar to fill sth to overflowing
abastar to supply
abastecer to supply
abatir to overthrow, knock down
abdicar to abdicate
abjurar to renounce, abjure
ablandar to soften
abocar to head for something
abocetar to sketch
abofetar to slap
abogar to defend someone
abolir to abolish
abollar to dent
abominar to detest, hate something
abonar to fertilize, pay
abordar to board
aborrecer to loathe
abrasar to burn
abrazar to embrace
abreviar to abbreviate
abrigar to keep warm
abrir to open
abrochar to do up
absolver to absolve
absorber to absorb
absorver to absorb
abstener to abstain
abundar to abound
aburrir to bore
abusar to abuse
acabar to finish
acampar to camp
acariciar to caress, stroke
acceder to access, agree
accionar to operate, activate
acedar to turn sour
aceitar to oil
acelerar to accelerate
acentuar to stress/accent
aceptar to accept
acercar to get near / approach
acertar to get right
achicharrar to burn /frazzle
aclamar to acclaim, applaud
aclarar to clarify
acoger to welcome/takein/receive
acompañar to go with / accompany
aconsejar to advise
acordar to haceralgo
acostar to go to bed
acostumbrar to get used to
acrisolar to refine, purify
actuar to act
acuchillar to knife, cut, cut open, slash
acudir to come go attend
acumular to accumulate
acusar to accuse
adaptar to adapt
adelantar to move forward, overtake
adelgazar to lose weight
adivinar to guess
administrar to administer
admirar to admire
admitir to accept, admit
adoptar to adopt
adorar to adore, worship
adornar to adorn, decorate
adquirir to aquire
adscribir to assign
advertir to warn
afectar to affect
afeitar to shave
aficionar to be keen on
afirmar to affirm
aflojar to loosen
agachar to lower
agarrar to grab
agitar to shake
agobiar to overwhelm /get too much for
agotar to exhaust / run out
agradecer to thank
agrandar to enlarge
agravar to make worse
agregar to add
agriar to turn sour
agrupar to group, form groups
aguantar to put up with something, stand
aguar to water down
aguardar to expect, wait for
agujerear to pierce, perforate, puncture, bore
ahogar to suffocate
ahorcar to hang
ahorrar to save
aislar to isolate
ajustar to adjust
alabar to praise
alargar to extend
alarmar to alarm
alborotar to mess
alcanzar to reach
alegrar to make happy or glad
alejar to move away
alentar to encourage
alertar to alert
alimentar to feed
aliviar to lighten, unburden, alleviate, relieve
almacenar to store
almorzar to have lunch
alojar to accommodate /put up
alquilar to rent
alterar to alter
alternar to alternate, socialize
alumbrar to light
alzar to lift, raise, hoist
amanecer to dawn
amar to love
amarrar to tie, moor
ambicionar to aspire to
amenazar to threaten
amontonar to pile something up, amass
amordazar to gag/muzzle
amparar to protect, shelter
ampliar to extend
amueblar to furnish
añadir to add
analizar to analyze
andar to walk
animar to cheer somebody up
anochecer to get dark
añorar to miss
anotar to take down, make a note of
ansiar to long for, yearn for
antedecir to to say before
anteponer to to put before
anular to cancel
anunciar to advertise
apaciguar to calm down
apagar to putout/extinguish
aparcar to park/shelf
aparecer to appear/showup
aparentar to pretend
apartar to separate, divide, part
apellidar to Verb say the surname
apestar to corrupt, sicken, nauseate, plague
apetecer to fancy doing
apilar to pile up
aplastar to crush, flatten
aplaudir to applaud
aplazar to postpone
aplicar to apply
apostar to bet
apoyar to lean
apreciar to appreciate, appraise, esteem
aprehender to apprehend
aprender to learn
apretar to press
aprobar to approve
aprovechar to use, take advantage of
apuñalar to stab
apuntar to note down
apurar to grieve, worry, fret
archivar to file
arder to burn
argumentar to reason, dispute
arrancar to start up (engine)
arrastrar to drag
arreglar to repair, fix
arrendar to rent out
arrepentir to regret
arrestar to arrest
arriesgar to risk
arrojar to fling, throw, hurl
arropar to cover
arrugar to wrinkle
arruinar to ruin
ascender to goup
asear to clean, tidy up
asegurar to ensure
asemejar to be alike
asentir to agree, consent
asesinar to murder
asesorar to advise
asimilar to assimilate
asir to seize/grasp
asistir to assist / attend
asociar to associate
asombrar to be amazed
asustar to frighten /get scared
atacar to attack
atar to tie
atender to attend to
aterrizar to land
aterrorizar to terrorize
atestiguar to testify to
atraer to attract
atrapar to trap
atrasar to slow down
atravesar to go through
atrever to dare
atribuir to attribute
atropellar to run over
aturrullar to get in a state
auditar to audit
aumentar to increase
aunar to unite, join forces
autorizar to authorize
avanzar to advance
avergonzar to make somebody feel ashamed
averiar to break down
averiguar to find out
avisar to let somebody know
ayudar to help