1.enfant MF child

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1.train M

2.rue F street

3.voie F road

4.voiture F car

5.transport M transportation

6.bateau M boat

7.port M harbor

8.avion M plane

9.navire M ship

10.vol M flight

11.vehicule M vehicule

12.aeroport M airport

13.automobile F automobile

14.camion M truck

15.gare F train station

16.helicoptere M helicopter

17.routier M truck driver

18.missile M missile

19.ballon M ball

20.sous-marin M submarine

21.autoroute F freeway

22.transit M transit

23.bus M bus

24.vapeur M steamship

25.autobus M bus

26.taxi M taxi

27.jet M jet

28.auto F car

29.velo M bicycle

30.rail M rail

31.navette F shuttle

32.boulevard M boulevard

33.garage M garage

34.wagon M wagon

35.fusee F rocket

36.ascenseur M elevator

37.divers adj(pl),det diverse, various


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1.bas M
stockings (also low)

2.complet M suit (also complete)

3.poche F pocket

4.vetement M garment

5.robe F dress

6.chapeau M hat

7.manche F sleeve

8.chaussure F shoe

9.manteau M coat

10.chemise F shirt

11.bouton M button

12.ceinture F belt

13.pantalon M trousers

14.botte F boot

15.gant M glove

16.maillot M jersey

17.veste F jacket

18.jupe F skirt

19.mouchoir M handkerchief

20.cravate F necktie

21.foulard M scarf

22.habillement M clothing

23.vestiaire M cloakroom

24.bonnet M bonnet

25.blouse F blouse

26.lingerie F lingerie

27.tablier M apron

28.bague F ring

29.sabot M clog

30.bretelles F suspenders

31.veston M jacket

32.tee-shirt M T-shirt

33.t-shirt M T-shirt

34.slip M underpants

35.badge M badge

36.parvenir v to reach, achieve 

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1.eau F

2.fruit M fruit

3.poisson M fish

4.cafe M coffee

5.plat M dish

6.nourriture F food

7.vin M wine

8.restaurant M restaurant

9.huile F oil

10.diner M dinner

11.tabac M tobacco

12.alcool M alcohol

13.lait M milk

14.glace F ice

15.cuisine F cooking

16.viande F meat

17.oeuf M egg

18.tranche F slice

19.dejeuner M lunch

20.pain M bread

21.aliment M food

22.pomme F apple

23.cigarette F cigarette

24.repas M meal

25.bouteille F bottle

26.bar M bar

27.legume F vegetable

28.biere F beer

29.sucre M sugar

30.ble M wheat

31.specialite F specialty

32.menu M menu

33.the M tea

34.liquide F liquid

35.herbe F herb

36.pate F pasta

37.baie F berry

38.orange F orange

39.boeuf M beef

40.porc M pork

41.beurre M butter

42.mouton M sheep

43.poulet M chicken

44.sel M salt

45.poule F hen

46.fromage M cheese

47.chocolat M chocolate

48.soupe F soup

49.creme F cream

50.gateau M cake

51.cereale F cereal

52.cocktail M cocktail

53.riz M rice

54.position nf position


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1.tete F

2.voix F voice

3.main F hand

4.oeil M eye

5.esprit M mind

6.sein M bosom

7.coeur M heart

8.pied M foot

9.langue F tongue

10.sang M blood

11.bras M arm

12.visage M face

13.cote F rib (also coast)

14.dos M back

15.front M forehead

16.figure F face (also figure)

17.bouche F mouth

18.oreille F ear

19.doigt M finger

20.cerveau M brain

21.peau F skin

22.cheveu M hair

23.sac M sac

24.organe M organ

25.jambe F leg

26.epaule F shoulder

27.nez M nose

28.tissu M tissue

29.dent F tooth

30.cadavre M corpse

31.levre F lip

32.cul M ass

33.genou M knee

34.gueule F mouth

35.ventre M belly

36.chair F flesh

37.pouce M thumb

38.cou M neck

39.poing M fist

40.joue F cheek

41.os M bone

42.poitrine F breast

43.gorge F throat

44.crane M skull

45.coude M elbow

46.poumon M lung

47.poil M hair

48.foie M liver

49.talon M heel

50.barbe F beard

51.veine F vein

52.cuisse F thigh

53.rein M kidney

54.muscle M muscle

55.fesse F buttock

56.estomac F stomach

57.ongle F fingernail

58.cheville F ankle

59.sourcil M eyebrow

60.moustache F moustache

61.hormone F hormone

62.tumeur F tumor

63.laisser v to leave


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1.animal M

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1.similar similar

2.basico basic

3.espectacular spectacular

4.deportivo sports

5.electronico electronic

6.laboral labor

7.creativo creative

8.global global

9.masivo mass(ive)

10.latinoamericano Latin American

11.inmerso engrossed

12.genetico genetic

13.estatal state

14.publicitario advertising

15.comunitario community

16.espacial space

17.sovietico Soviet

18.sofisticado sophisticated

19.institucional institutional

20.irreversible irreversible

21.carente lacking

22.estructural structural

23.rentable profitable

24.ambiental environmental

25.nuclear nuclear

26.apasionante thrilling

27.conflictivo conflicting

28.obsesivo obsessive

29.operativo operative

30.ecologico ecological

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