
1.travailler to work

2.aider to help

3.adopter to adopt

4.remercier to thank

5.voter to vote

6.aborder to approach

7.feliciter to congratulate

8.mentionner to mention

9.preoccuper to preoccupy

10.excuser to excuse

11.depenser to spend

12.desoler to be sorry

13.debattre to discuss

14.adorer to adore

15.sieger to sit

16.collaborer to collaborate

17.virer to turn

18.ficher to not give a damn

19.parier to bet

20.chier to sh*t

21.filmer to film

22.remedier to remedy

23.bosser to work hard

24.demenager to move

25.incomber to be incumbent upon

26.emmerder to bother

27.clarifier to clarify

28.reglementer to regulate

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1.ensuivre to result

2.emparer to snatch away

3.derouler to unwind

4.ecrier to cry out

5.appreter to prepare

6.averer to prove to be

7.effondrer to collapse

8.envoler to fly away

9.efforcer to strive

10.conformer to conform

11.contenter to be content

12.enfuir to flee

13.soucier to worry

14.agir to pertain

15.abstenir to abstain

16.empresser to hasten

17.borner to limit

18.epanouir to blossom

19.replier to fold up

20.moquer to make fun of

22.pencher to lean

23.propager to propagate

24.plaindre to complain

25.heurter to collide

26.redresser to straighten

27.referer to refer

28.debrouiller to get by

29.incliner to tilt

30.degrader to degrade

31.acquitter to discharge

32.poudre nf powder


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1.dire to say

2.demander to ask for

3.parler to speak

4.entendre to hear

5.appeler to call

6.repondre to answer  

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1.prendre to take

2.aller to go

3.venir to come

4.passer to pass

5.suivre to follow

6.partir to leave

7.arriver to arrive

8.sortir to go out

9.mener to lead

10.chercher to look for

11.entrer to enter

12.apporter to bring

13.atteindre to reach

14.importer to import

15.tirer to pull

16.arreter to stop

17.avancer to advance

18.elever to lift

19.poursuivre to pursue

20.conduire to drive

21.quitter to leave

22.tomber to fall

23.amener to bring

24.tourner to turn

25.deplacer to move

26.accompagner to accompany

27.echapper to escape

28.retourner to return

29.ramener to bring back

30.emporter to take

31.etendre to spread out

32.jeter to throw

33.rapprocher to bring closer

34.asseoir to sit

35.visiter to visit

36.courir to run

37.franchir to get over

38.ecarter to separate

39.marcher to walk

40.eloigner to move away

41.approcher to approach

42.descendre to go down

43.circuler to drive

44.progresser to progress

45.bouger to move

46.reculer to move back

47.transporter to transport

48.parcourir to cover

49.accelerer to accelerate

50.emmener to take

51.transferer to transfer

52.explicite adj(f) explicitly


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1.grand great

2.bon good

3.fort strong

4.certain certain

5.important important

6.propre clean

7.sur sure

8.juste fair

9.clair clear

10.libre free

11.beau handsome

12.serieux serious

13.responsable responsible

14.objectif objective

15.riche rich

16.capable capable

17.precis precise

18.reel real 

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-sion (all are F)

1.decision decision

2.occasion chance

3.commission commission

4.mission mission

5.impression impression

6.pression pressure

7.discussion discussion

8.expression expression

9.emission transmission

10.version version

11.television television

12.conclusion conclusion

13.division division

14.vision vision

15.prevision forecast

16.dimension dimension

17.confusion confusion

18.precision precision

19.tension tension

20.pension pension

21.passion passion

22.transmission transmission

23.explosion explosion

24.diffusion diffusion

25.profession profession -tion (all are F)

26.question question

27.situation situation

28.condition condition

29.information information

30.action action

31.relation relationship

32.position position

33.attention attention

34.population population

35.fonction function

36.organisation organization

37.nation nation

38.direction direction

39.solution solution

40.creation creation

41.production production

42.intervention intervention

43.operation operation

44.intention intention

45.proposition proposition

46.formation training

47.motion motion

48.election election

49.institution institution

50.negociation negotiation

51.discretion nf discretion

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1.francais French

2.3americain American

3.europeen European

4.canadien Canadian

5.anglais English

6.allemand German

7.britannique British

8.russe Russian

9.israelien Israeli

10.italien Italian

11.juif Jewish

12.espagnol Spanish

13.sovietique Soviet

14.indien Indian

15.latin Latin

16.irakien Iraqi

17.chinois Chinese

18.quebecois Quebecker

19.arabe Arabic

20.grec Greek

21.japonais Japanese

22.suisse Swiss

23.africain African

24.parisien Parisian

25.oriental Oriental

26.serbe Serbian

27.belge Belgian

28.turc Turkish

29.romain Roman

30.asiatique Asian

31.iranien Iranian

32.marocain Moroccan

33.polonais Polish

34.portugais Portuguese

35.tcheque Czech

36.irlandais Irish

37.libanais Lebanese

38.yougoslave Yugoslavian 

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2.Moins less

3.Avant before

4.Après after

5.Bien well

6.Mal bad

7.Nouveau new

8.Ancient ancient

9.Grand large

10.Petit small

11.Non no

12.Oui yes

13.Bon good

14.mauvais bad

15.toujours always

16.jamais never

17.fort strong

18.faible weak

19.fin end

20.debut beginning

21.jeune young

22.vieux old

23.meilleur better

24.pire worse

25.devant ahead

26.derriere behind

27.long long  

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1.clair clear

2.argent silver (also money)

3.noir black

4.blanc white (also blank)

5.rouge red

6.vert green

7.couleur color

8.bleu blue

9.jaune yellow

10.rose pink (also rose)

11.gris grey

12.orange orange

13.blond blond

14.dore golden

15.brun brown

16.roux auburn

17.fonce dark

18.violet violet

19.teint colored

20.exclusivement adv exclusively, solely


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