1.malade sick
2.un cigare a cigar
3.une cigarette a cigarette grippe flu
5.un dentifrice toothpaste
6.un médicament medicine
7.une pilule a pill
8.un savon soap
9.une fièvre fever
10.un rhume a cold
11.tousser to cough
12.le nez qui coule runny nose
13.sain healthy
14.fable weak
15.fort strong
16.une infirmière a nurse
17.un médecin a doctor
18.un dentiste a dentist
19.éternuer to sneeze
20.bâiller to yawn moucher to blow one`s nose
22.gratter to scrape
23.hygiénique hygienic
24.une pharmacie a pharmacy
25.laver to wash
26.une éponge a sponge
27.un bain a bath
28.raser to shave raser to shave oneself
30.une douche shower
31.un rasoir a razor
32.une brosse à dents a toothbrush
33.un rouge à lèvres a lipstick
34.le parfum perfume
35.une serviette a towel
36.aspirer to inhale
37.un shampooing shampoo
38.une béquille a crutch
39.s`étrangler to choke sentir to feel oneself
41.une piqûre an injection
42.le pouls pulse tension artérielle arterial pressure
44.un échantillon a sample
45.l`urine urine
46.une prise de sang a blood test
47.le sang blood respiration breathing
49.un battement a beat
50.un coeur heart
51.un stéthoscope a stethoscope
52.une seringue a syringe
53.un bandage a bandage
54.une goutte a drop
55.une radiographie radiography
56.une ordonnance a prescription
57.contagieux contagious
58.maigrir to lose weight remettre to recover
60.être malade to be ill
61.un virus a virus
62.une maladie a disease
63.une infection an infection
64.une fertilité a fertility
65.une incubation an incubation
66.soigner (traiter) to treat
67.un choc a shock