1.quente hot
2.frio cold
3.papel paper
4.novo brand-new
5.fechado closed
6.aberto open
7.vazio vacuum buraco a hole
9.resfriar-se to cool down
10.ter frio to get cold
11.molhar to wet
12.molhar-se to get wet
13.material material
14.tecido fabric
15.líquido liquid
16.metal metal
17.uma pedra a stone
18.seco dry tijlo a brick
20.ferro iron
21.enferrujar to rust
22.uma tábua plank
23.derreter to melt
24.apodrecer to rot
25.escorregadio slippery
26.estreito narrow
27.petróleo oil
28.áspero rough
29.duro hard
30.pesado heavy
31.liso smooth
32.frágil soft
33.pontiagudo pointed
34.rombo blunt
35.afiado sharp
36.madeira wood
37.barro clay
38.couro leather
39.lã wool
40.superfície surface
41.gelo ice
42.vapor steam