1.beaucoup much
2.maintenant now
3.pourquoi why
4.comment how
5.oui yes
6.juste only just
7.vraiment really
8.simplement simply
9.combien how much
10.exactement exactly
11.tellement so much
12.absolument absolutely
13.completement completely
14.certainement certainly
15.clairement clearly
16.justement exactly
17.evidemment obviously
18.malheureusement unfortunately
19.extremement extremely
20.effectivement effectively
21.la-bas over there
22.ben well
23.la-dessus on top
24.personnellement personally
25.enormement enormously
26.brievement briefly
27.loin far
28.presque almost
29.derriere behind
30.guere hardly
31.naturellement naturally
32soudain suddenly
33.aussitot immediately
34.autrefois in the past
35.vivement sharply
36.debout standing
37.lentement slowly
38.volontiers with pleasure
39.proprement cleanly
40.tantot sometimes
41.dedans inside
42.longuement at length
43.quelquefois sometimes
44.doucement gently
45.brusquement abruptly
46.par-dessus over
47.nullement not in the least
48.economiquement economically
49.dela beyond
50.assurement most certainly
51.infiniment infinitely
52.jadis formerly
53.lors at the time of
54.notamment notably
55.environ about
56.desormais henceforth
57.largement widely
58.arriere back
59.voire indeed
60.generalement generally
61.fortement strongly
62.principalement principally
63.normalement normally
64.nettement clearly
65.legerement slightly
66.officiellement officially
67.progressivement progressively
68.eventuellement possibly
69.parallelement in parallel
70.automatiquement automatically
71.respectivement respectively
72.quasiment almost
73.precedemment previously
74.vraisemblablement most probably
75.au-dessous underneath
76.sensiblement more or less
77.simultanement simultaneously
- May 17 Tue 2011 16:00
「法語單字」26 Adverbs -- differences across registers