
1.calor M heat

2.frio M cold

3.viento M wind

4.lluvia F rain

5.temperature F temperature

6.clima M climate

7.nube F cloud

8.atmosfera F atmosphere

9.(rayo) M lightning

10.nieve F snow

11.fresco M cool

12.humedad F humidity

13.tormenta F storm

14.terremoto M earthquake

15.niebla F fog

16.inundacion F flood

17.temporal M storm, gale

18.torrente M torrent, flood

19.brisa F breeze

20.tempestad F (thunder) storm

21.precipitacion F precipitation

22.trueno M thunder

23.relampago M lightning

24.neblina F fog

25.huracan M hurricane

26.rocio M dew

27.llovizna F drizzle, sprinkle 

28.bochorno M sultry weather

29.nevada F snowfall

30.vendaval M gale, tempest

31.granizo M hail

32.escarcha F frost


33.fresco cool

34.despejado clear

35.templado mild

36.nublado cloudy

37.soleado sunny


38.llover to rain

39.despejar to clear up

40.nevar to snow

41.lloviznar to sprinkle



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