
General terms:

1.tamanho M size

2.vestir to dress

3.comprimento M length

4.vestuário M clothing, garment

5.traje M attire

Specific pieces/parts of clothing:

6.capa F cape, cloak

7.vestido M dress

8.sapato M shoe

9.bolso M pocket

10.chapéu M hat

11.bota F boot

12.anel M ring

13.calças F pants, trousers

14.camisa F shirt

15.uniforme M uniform

16.botão M button

17.saia F skirt

18.camisola F nightgown [BP], sweater [EP]

19.casaco M coat

20.luva F glove

21.terno M suit [BP]

22.manto M mantle, robe

23.gravata F tie

24.colete M vest

25.cinto M belt

26.blusa F blouse

27.cinta F girdle

28.boné M cap



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