
General terms:

to eat

2.doce  M candy (also adj sweet)

3.fome  F hunger, famine

4.receita  F recipe

5.alimento  M food, nourishment

6.prato  M plate

7.bocado  M mouthful, piece

8.bebida F a drink

9.almoço M lunch

10.alimentação F nourishment, food, nutrition

11.garrafa F bottle

12.copo M glass

13.faca F knife

14.ceia F supper

15.louça F dishes, china

16.ingrediente M ingredient

17.jantar (M) dinner, to eat dinner 

Specific foods and

18.água F water

19.peixe M fish

20.carne F meat (also flesh)

21.leite M milk

22.café M coffee

23.vinho M wine

24.ovo M egg

25.pão M bread

26.milho M corn

27.sal M salt

28.açúcar M sugar

29.porco M pork

30.álcool M alcohol

31.fruta F fruit

32.trigo M wheat

33.óleo M oil

34.arroz M rice

35.erva F herb 


37.galinha F chicken

38.farinha F flour

39.chá M tea

40.batata F potato

41.feijão M bean

42.laranja F orange

43.cerveja F beer

44.frango M chicken

45.queijo M cheese

46.azeite M olive oil

47.bolo M cake

48.mel M honey

49.tabaco M tobacco

50.molho M sauce

51.fígado M liver

52.uva F grape

53.sopa F soup

54.manteiga F butter

55.bacalhau M cod fish

56.banana F banana

57.chocolate M chocolate

58.cereal M cereal

59.caldo M soup, broth

F olive

61.cordeiro M lamb

62.couve F cabbage

63.suco M juice [BP]

64.pimenta F pepper

65.canela F cinnamon

66.cebola F onion

67.alho M garlic

68.coco M coconut




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