machacar to crush
madrugar to get up early
maldecir to curse
malentender to misunderstand
malgastar to waste
maliciar to suspect
malinformar to misinform
malinterpretar to misinterpret
malograr to waste, ruin, spoil
maltraer to maltreat
manar to pour, be rich in
manchar to get dirty /stain
mandar to order / tell sb to do sth
manejar to use, handle, manage
manifestar to show
mantener to maintain
maquillar to put make up on
marcar to mark
marchar to go /leave
marear to get sick

mascar to chew
matar to kill
matricular to enrol
medir to measure
mejorar to improve
memorizar to memorize
mentar to mention
mentir to lie
merecer to deserve
merendar to have a snack in the afternoon
meter to put in
mezclar to mix
mimar to spoil, pamper
mirar to watch, look at
modificar to modify
mojar to get wet
molestar to bother
montar to ride, set up
morder to bite/eat into
morir to die
mostrar to show
mover to move
mudar to move house
multiplicar to multiply
murmurar to mutter, gossip

nacer to beborn
nadar to swim
narrar to tell / narrate
navegar to sail, surf (the internet)
necesitar to need
negar to deny
negociar to negotiate
nevar to snow
nombrar to name
numerar to number

obedecer to obey
obligar to force
observar to observe
obtener to get/win
ocultar to hide
ocupar to take up /occupy
ocurrir to happen
odiar to hate
ofender to offend
ofrecer to offer
oir to hear
oler to smell
olvidar to forget
omitir to omit
operar to operate
opinar to think, opine
oponer to oppose
ordenar to tidy up, order
organizar to organize
orientar to orientate

originar to originate



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