目前分類:法語 (71)

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1.frais cool

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1.monde M world

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1.jeu M game

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General terms:

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1.or M gold

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1.enfant MF child

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1.train M

2.rue F street

3.voie F road

4.voiture F car

5.transport M transportation

6.bateau M boat

7.port M harbor

8.avion M plane

9.navire M ship

10.vol M flight

11.vehicule M vehicule

12.aeroport M airport

13.automobile F automobile

14.camion M truck

15.gare F train station

16.helicoptere M helicopter

17.routier M truck driver

18.missile M missile

19.ballon M ball

20.sous-marin M submarine

21.autoroute F freeway

22.transit M transit

23.bus M bus

24.vapeur M steamship

25.autobus M bus

26.taxi M taxi

27.jet M jet

28.auto F car

29.velo M bicycle

30.rail M rail

31.navette F shuttle

32.boulevard M boulevard

33.garage M garage

34.wagon M wagon

35.fusee F rocket

36.ascenseur M elevator

37.divers adj(pl),det diverse, various


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1.bas M
stockings (also low)

2.complet M suit (also complete)

3.poche F pocket

4.vetement M garment

5.robe F dress

6.chapeau M hat

7.manche F sleeve

8.chaussure F shoe

9.manteau M coat

10.chemise F shirt

11.bouton M button

12.ceinture F belt

13.pantalon M trousers

14.botte F boot

15.gant M glove

16.maillot M jersey

17.veste F jacket

18.jupe F skirt

19.mouchoir M handkerchief

20.cravate F necktie

21.foulard M scarf

22.habillement M clothing

23.vestiaire M cloakroom

24.bonnet M bonnet

25.blouse F blouse

26.lingerie F lingerie

27.tablier M apron

28.bague F ring

29.sabot M clog

30.bretelles F suspenders

31.veston M jacket

32.tee-shirt M T-shirt

33.t-shirt M T-shirt

34.slip M underpants

35.badge M badge

36.parvenir v to reach, achieve 

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1.eau F

2.fruit M fruit

3.poisson M fish

4.cafe M coffee

5.plat M dish

6.nourriture F food

7.vin M wine

8.restaurant M restaurant

9.huile F oil

10.diner M dinner

11.tabac M tobacco

12.alcool M alcohol

13.lait M milk

14.glace F ice

15.cuisine F cooking

16.viande F meat

17.oeuf M egg

18.tranche F slice

19.dejeuner M lunch

20.pain M bread

21.aliment M food

22.pomme F apple

23.cigarette F cigarette

24.repas M meal

25.bouteille F bottle

26.bar M bar

27.legume F vegetable

28.biere F beer

29.sucre M sugar

30.ble M wheat

31.specialite F specialty

32.menu M menu

33.the M tea

34.liquide F liquid

35.herbe F herb

36.pate F pasta

37.baie F berry

38.orange F orange

39.boeuf M beef

40.porc M pork

41.beurre M butter

42.mouton M sheep

43.poulet M chicken

44.sel M salt

45.poule F hen

46.fromage M cheese

47.chocolat M chocolate

48.soupe F soup

49.creme F cream

50.gateau M cake

51.cereale F cereal

52.cocktail M cocktail

53.riz M rice

54.position nf position


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1.tete F

2.voix F voice

3.main F hand

4.oeil M eye

5.esprit M mind

6.sein M bosom

7.coeur M heart

8.pied M foot

9.langue F tongue

10.sang M blood

11.bras M arm

12.visage M face

13.cote F rib (also coast)

14.dos M back

15.front M forehead

16.figure F face (also figure)

17.bouche F mouth

18.oreille F ear

19.doigt M finger

20.cerveau M brain

21.peau F skin

22.cheveu M hair

23.sac M sac

24.organe M organ

25.jambe F leg

26.epaule F shoulder

27.nez M nose

28.tissu M tissue

29.dent F tooth

30.cadavre M corpse

31.levre F lip

32.cul M ass

33.genou M knee

34.gueule F mouth

35.ventre M belly

36.chair F flesh

37.pouce M thumb

38.cou M neck

39.poing M fist

40.joue F cheek

41.os M bone

42.poitrine F breast

43.gorge F throat

44.crane M skull

45.coude M elbow

46.poumon M lung

47.poil M hair

48.foie M liver

49.talon M heel

50.barbe F beard

51.veine F vein

52.cuisse F thigh

53.rein M kidney

54.muscle M muscle

55.fesse F buttock

56.estomac F stomach

57.ongle F fingernail

58.cheville F ankle

59.sourcil M eyebrow

60.moustache F moustache

61.hormone F hormone

62.tumeur F tumor

63.laisser v to leave


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1.animal M

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